Something is missing from your manuscript, but you can’t find what?
Are you a new author and this is your first book?
Have you been revising this book for so long that you are sick of it and you have no idea how to further improve it?
Are you too close to your own story and you need another pair of (professional) eyes to read your manuscript and help you unlock its full potential?
Are you getting conflicting advice from your beta readers?
Are you getting rejections from publishers/agents and don’t know how to fix the issues discussed in their rejections?
If your answer is "Yes" to at least one of the questions, then you need a professional developmental editor!
Which service is the best for you?
Developmental Editing service
Developmental editing is the first step in the editing process, and it solves the big-picture storytelling issues in your manuscript (plot and structure, characters, point of view, pacing, setting, scene vs narrative summary, dialogue). The developmental editing service is recommended for:
newer authors that need thorough guidance by the editor
established writers looking to refine their work and achieve a higher quality for their manuscript